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Symposium on the 30th Anniversary of the Development of Internet in China Held in Beijing

2024-05-21 15:48

On April 20, 2024, to celebrate the the 30th anniversary of China's full functions access to the Internet, the Internet Society of China (ISC) held "Symposium on the 30th Anniversary of the Development of Internet in China - Grasping the Opportunity to Start Again" in Beijing. The symposium was chaired by Mr. Shang Bing, Presidient of ISC.


More than 60 high level multistakeholder representatives attended the meeting, including Mr. Zhang Yunming, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Mr. Pony Ma, CEO of Tencent, Mr. Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, Mr. Charles Zhang, CEO of Sohu, Mr. Zhou Hongyi, CEO of 360 Group, Mr. Qi Xiangdong, CEO of QiAnXin Group, Mr. YU Xiaohui, President of CAICT..


Mr. Vinton G Cerf, "Father of the Internet", Mr. Werner Zorn, "Father of the German Internet", Mr. Andrew Sullivan, President and CEO of Internet Society (ISOC), Ms. Sally Coston, Interim President and CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) delivered congratulatory remarks through video.


In the special session of tributing personnel who made the outstanding contribution for the 30 Years of China Internet, Madam Hu Qiheng, the Founding President of ISC, Mr. Wu Hequan, the former President of ISC, Mr. Wu Jianping, Chair Professor of Tsinghua University, Mr. Qian Hualin, Researcher at the Computer Network Information Centre of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. Gao Xinmin, former Vice President of ISC, and Mr.Li Xing, Deputy Director of the Network Centre of the China Education and Research Computer Network were rewarded.


In the symposium, industry entrepreneurs and renowned experts discussed and exchanged views on hot topics as artificial intelligence governance, industrial innovation, digital and real integration, interconnection, network and data security, new quality productivity, and high-quality development of the industry.


Organized by the ISC, the China Internet Development Symposium has been held for 20 consecutive sessions since the first one in 2004.

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